John Garrett (London 1959). In an essay
entitled "The Basis of Shakespearian Comedy," Professor Nevill Coghill….
pointed out that there were two conceptions of comedy current in the sixteenth century,
both going back to grammarians of the fourth century, but radically opposed to each other.
By the one definition, a comedy was
a story beginning in sadness and ending in happiness. By the other it was, in Sidney’s words, "an imitation of
common errors of out life" represented "in the most ridiculous and scornful sort
that may be; so that it is impossible that any beholder can be content to be such a
one." Shakespeare, he declared, accepted the first; Johnson, the second….
A further sub genre of the comedy is the tragicomedy - a serious play with a
happy ending. For example, Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale
could be considered a tragicomedy because it reaches a tragic
climax but ends with a happy conclusion. Here is a list of
Shakespearean comedies:
A further subgenre of the comedy is the tragicomedy - a serious play with a
happy ending. For example, Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale
could be considered a tragicomedy because it reaches a tragic
climax but e
The plot is very important in Shakespeare's
comedies. They are often very convoluted, twisted and confusing, and
extremely hard to follow. Another characteristic of Shakespearean
comedy is the themes of love and friendship, played within a courtly
society. Songs often sung by a jester or a fool parallel the events
of the plot. Also, foil and stock characters are often inserted into
the plot.
Love provides the main ingredient for the plot. If
the lovers are unmarried when the play opens, they either have not
met or there is some obstacle in the way of their love. Examples of
the obstacles these lovers go through are familiar to every reader of
Shakespeare: the slanderous tongues which nearly wreck love in
Much Ado About Nothing; the father insistent upon his daughter marrying his
choice, as in A Midsummer Nights
Dream; or the expulsion of the rightful
Duke's daughter in As You Like It.
Shakespeare uses many predictable patterns in his
plays. The hero rarely appears in the opening lines; however, we hear
about him from other characters. The hero does not normally make an
entrance for a few lines, at least, if not a whole scene. The hero is
also virtuous and strong, but he always possesses a character flaw.
In the comedy itself, Shakespeare assumes that we
know the basic plot, and he jumps right into it with little or no
explanation. Foreshadowing and foreboding are put in the play early
and can be heard throughout the drama. Many Shakespearean comedies
have five acts. The climax of the play is always during the third
nds with a happy conclusion. Here is a list of
Shakespearean comedies:
- All's Well That Ends Well
- As You Like It
- The Comedy of Errors
- Cymbeline
- Love's Labour's Lost
- Measure for Measure
- The Merchant of Venice
- The Merry Wives of Windsor
- A Midsummer Night's Dream
- Much Ado About Nothing
- Pericles Prince of Tyre
- Taming of the Shrew
- The Tempest
- Twelfth Night
- The Two Gentlemen of Verona
- The Winter's Tale